Episode 2

How To Study, My Best Study Tips

Mar 10, 2021

Listen to the podcast here

Episode Description

From your BSN, all the way to SRNA, learning to study and take tests effectively is a skill that will leave you feeling confident and empowered. Today we’re laying out all the best study tips you’ve never heard of using a multi-sensory approach. Time to grab that straight-A title!

In this episode, we cover: 

  • The different learning styles (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic) 
  • How to combine different learning styles to pack the biggest punch
  • How highlighters (and other visual aids) can massively impact information recall
  • The benefits of moving your body while you study
  • The “Christmas Tree Effect” (building on previous concepts for higher retention and recall) 
  • How your emotions can help you be more effective in your study sessions
  • The art of choosing effective study buddies 
  • Bonus tips for acing those tests (even if you’ve never been a great test taker) 

Enjoy, and happy studying, future CRNA! 

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